
Spark Plug

Bosch introduced the first spark plug in combination with a high-voltage magnetic system on January 7, 1902. This development solved the main problem of early automotive technology of the time - increased its reliability. Together with the improvement in production technology, it was the spark plug that laid the foundation for the rapid growth of automobile production in the following decades. Today our interlocutor is Marian Smuk, a specialist in the Bosch Candles product.
What has changed in spark plug design over more than a century of history?
The Bosch spark plug, which has been continuously developed and improved over the decades, is a key component of the ignition system, playing a key role in fuel economy, clean and efficient combustion and reliable engine performance. Despite the colossal increase in spark plug performance, spark plugs have a lifespan of between 20,000 and 30,000 km today. This is about 20-30 times higher than the figure of 90 years ago. And some modern spark plugs even have a lifespan of 100,000 km.
First of all, the design and materials used were improved. This is how Bosch spark plugs appeared in the range of candles with iridium and platinum, and in motorsport with silver.
What is the reason for the appearance of noble metals in the structure?
Firstly, the development of the automotive market contributed to this, it was necessary to increase the mileage interval and cope with higher loads. Secondly, noble metals made it possible to use a smaller cross-section of high-temperature electrodes. They do not deteriorate and practically do not corrode.
